Why you are choosing Ethiotrans for your translation and localization service?

Native: At Ethiotrans we use native translators for our translation and localization projects.  We handpick translators for each project. That means the translator is a native speaker of the targeted language and has a lifetime of experience with the language. Cultural and geographical variations of languages are important factors that will impact the translation and localization process.  We take these issues very seriously to provide the most accurate translation/localization possible.

Focus: Unlike other translation companies, we do not support all the languages in the world. Instead, we focus on what we know best, African languages. We don’t take assignments if we don’t believe we have highly qualified people for that particular project.  Even we cannot cover the entire African continent because the number of languages is too high.  It is hard to find professional, qualified people to cover all the languages spoken in Africa. For example, in Ethiopia, there are more than 70 languages.  We decided to support five African languages because of their popularity and demand. However, if you have a project that requires an African language, not on our list, we will certainly try our best to get you one.

Price: At EthioTrans, we are dedicated to bringing the various African languages to the 21st century.  We offer the best price available for our comprehensive services. We are the pioneers of African language translation and localization services. We know we are competing with big companies and an unstable market, but we believe in our quality of service at reasonable prices.